The Problem

CVS embarked on a new venture to serve the often neglected market—the underinsured. Partnering with Aetna Health Insurance, the goal was to create a fully comprehensive, low-cost health care insurance for individuals, all managed by a native app.

Resources used: Figma,, photoshop, illustrator, Miro, Figjam

New national low cost insurance plan

Discovery: User Interviews

Doing competitive analysis and drawing insights initially from Aetna expertise in the field and further data from CVS’s own Minute Clinic. To further understand the very broad audience we targeted, we conducted user interviews. In a more general format we asked users where their biggest apprehensions regarding a new method of healthcare insurance. Below is a journey map of the common concerns we found.

Discovery: Personas

Using the discovery from user interviews we were able to create different personas based on feedback. What we found was the differences between users were not based on demographic, income or lifestyle, but rather how they felt about their own personal health and healthcare in general. The best approach was to create personas based on types of healthcare users. Broken down into four archetypes.


  • Quick and efficient access to immediate care and medications.

  • Want a health care application that has an easy way to keep track of vaccinations and test results

  • A healthcare system that provides up to date information about health and wellness


  • Very difficult to find healthcare I can trust with individual plans

  • Most systems do not offer health and wellness advise

  • Most sites lack direct access to my doctors


  • Quick and efficient access to immediate care and medications.

  • Simple way to stay in conversation with doctor or ask questions

  • An easy system for getting any prescribed medication and keeping a record of it


  • Losing time trying to find the right doctor and making an appointment

  • Hard to manage and access test results

  • Find most apps overly complicated and lacking any key features

The Explorer

The Survivor

Discovery: Persona Empathy Map: Daydreamer

Discovery: User Flows and Site Architecture

After several rounds of user testing and empathy workshops, we focused on the best features to include in the apps first iteration. Below is the user flow we used to begin created low fidelity wireframes.


Design: Low Fidelity Mockups

After focusing on the site mapping and features we wanted to include, we started creating very raw wireframes before moving to high fidelity prototypes. During this process we’d go back and update the site architecture and user flows to reflect new ideas for layout, features and flows.

Design: Dashboard Exploration

After focusing on the site mapping and features we wanted to include, we started creating very raw wireframes before moving to high fidelity prototypes

Our first approach on design focused on creating a friendly, approachable style, utilizing icons and conversational speak. But surprisingly, this was not well received by users during high-fidelity testing

Users expressed that they felt ‘marketed’ to and wanted to view a medical application as something more straightforward and a bit more serious. So we pared down first round of designs to accomplish a simplified clean look only using red as a highlight color with black and white

Where we started

After two rounds of testing

Final Design

The final design incorporated the new information and further refinement of the more simple design to make it as user friendly and intuitive as possible. The main flow we focused on andthat had the most iterations was the Patient Lists. After using testing we discovered that most people wanted a visible way to check into their appointments right from the appointment notification

Design: Final Design-Desktop

The app is still in soft testing but the feedback from current users has been encouraging as 71% have found using the app easy and pleasant




Carefirst User Portal Redesign